Sunday, December 27, 2015

Iraq: Iraqi forces drive Islamic State (IS) fighters out from a Ramadi stronghold


Iraqi officials say security forces have taken control of a government complex in Ramadi that has been a stronghold for Islamic State (IS) militants in the government’s push to retake the devastated city.

“By controlling the complex this means that they have been defeated in Ramadi,” Sabah al-Numani, a spokesman for the force leading the fight on the government side, was quoted by Reuters as saying on December 27. “The next step is to clear pockets that could exist here or there in the city.”

“The complex is under our complete control, there is no presence whatsoever of Daesh fighters in the complex,” Numani added, using a derogatory Arabic acronym for the extremist group.

A victory by Iraqi forces would make Ramadi the second city, after Tikrit, to be retaken by the government in Baghdad.

The News:
http://www.iraqsun.c … ex.php/sid/239777125



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