Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cameroon: Cameroon troops raid Nigerian villages killing 150 villagers


Nigerian refugees have said that Cameroonian troops crossed the border into Nigeria, killed about 150 villagers, burned their huts and forced them to flee.

The refugees said on Tuesday, December 8 that they had to walk for days before reaching a refugee center.

Mariamu Abubakar, a farmer, said Cameroonian soldiers on Monday, November 30, killed about 150 people in his village near Nigeria’s Banki border post.

Abubakar said that the troops raided and stole the villagers’ livestock and set their huts ablaze.

He was among 643 refugees who arrived at night on Monday, December 7, at Adamawa’s Fufore transit centre.

The News: … sacre-villagers.html



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