Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chad: At least 19 Boko Haram fighters killed by Chadian soldiers


At least 19 Boko Haram fighters and two Chadian soldiers were killed in combat on Friday after the insurgents attacked a Chadian village on the banks of Lake Chad, a military source said.

“The Islamists fighters attacked early this morning and we returned fire and they were forced to flee back into Nigeria,” the source told Reuters by telephone from Komguia, where the fighting took place.

Chadian President Idriss Deby earlier on Friday vowed to crush the insurgents who have killed thousands of people and threat the stability of the region.

“Chad will never bend in the face Boko Haram and I promise you that Boko Haram will disappear,” he told a group of Muslim clerics.

The News:
http://www.ekantipur … -in-chad/408073.html



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