Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Burma-Myanmar: Fresh fighting between army and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Hpakant force 100 villagers to flee


Fresh skirmishes have broken out between the Burma Army and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), with local sources claiming over 100 villagers were displaced and hiding in the jungle near Hpakant.

Fighting began 20 miles east of the town on Monday when the Burma Army entered a KIA controlled area without advance warning, according to Lamai Gum Ja, a spokesman for the KIA-affiliated Kachin Peace Creation Group.

“We heard that the Burma Army went to attack our KIA Battalion No.6,” he said. “This is why fighting broke out. We do not yet have all the information on the ground.”

The News:
http://www.irrawaddy … llagers-fleeing.html



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