Saturday, April 3, 2010

Abkhazia expects that Bolivia and Ecuador will recognize its independence in near future

Independence of Abkhazia “can be recognized by Bolivia and Ecuador in near future “, the republic’s Foreign Minister Maxim Gvindzhia said Wednesday in an interview with Russian journalist. He heads the Abkhaz delegation which has been to Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador.

“We expect the next recognition of independence of Abkhazia from Bolivia and Ecuador because the attitude to our country is positive there”, the head of the Foreign Ministry said. “Sometimes Abkhazia is compared to the problems of separatists in Bolivia, but this country’s leadership has thoroughly studied this issue and understands that such a comparison is unacceptable in case with Abkhazia”, he specified.

The News:
http://www.abkhaziag … /detail.php?ID=30059



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