Sunday, August 27, 2023

Libya: Libyan National Army (LNA) launches operations against Chad rebels along border


Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) launched air strikes against “foreign armed groups” near its border with Chad.

LNA spokesperson Ahmad Mismari said it carried out the attack on Friday after earlier having announced an operation to secure the frontier. The army hit Chadian rebel positions on the Libyan side of the border before launching an airborne assault.

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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Ethiopia: Multiple injuries as Ethiopian military and Fano militia clashed in Amhara region


Ethiopia’s military has clashed with fighters from a militia in the Amhara region, residents said on Wednesday, in an escalation of a simmering feud between the two former allies that a doctor said had caused more than a dozen injuries.

Fano, a part-time militia with no formal command structure, backed federal troops in a two-year civil war in the neighbouring Tigray region that ended with a truce last November.

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Monday, July 31, 2023

Niger: Coup d’etat leaders warn against military intervention by ECOWAS


Niger’s military leaders have warned against any armed intervention in the country as West African heads of state gather in Nigeria’s capital for an emergency summit to decide on further actions to pressure the army to restore constitutional order.

Heads of state of the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the eight-member West African Economic and Monetary Union, also known by its French acronym UEMOA, could suspend Niger from their institutions, cut off the country from the regional central bank and financial market, and close borders.

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Friday, July 28, 2023

Niger: Soldiers say President Amadou Abdramane has been removed by coup d’etat


Disgruntled members of the elite Presidential Guard sealed off access to the president’s residence and offices in the capital Niamey on Wednesday, and after talks broke down “refused to release the president”, a presidential source said.

“We, the defence and security forces … have decided to put an end to the regime” of President Bazoum, said Colonel-Major Amadou Abdramane in a televised address, surrounded by nine other uniformed soldiers.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Cameroon: Separatist rebels killed 10 civilians


Separatist rebels have killed about 10 civilians and wounded two more in one of Cameroon’s restive anglophone regions, the defence ministry said Monday.

The country’s primarily English-speaking Northwest and Southwest regions have been gripped by conflict since separatists declared independence in 2017 after decades of grievances over perceived discrimination by the francophone majority.

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