Friday, February 24, 2023

Cameroon: Scores killed in battles between army and Ambazonia separatists


Cameroon’s military says it has killed scores of armed separatists in clashes this month, and at least 15 have surrendered.

The rebels, who vowed to disrupt March senate elections in Cameroon’s western regions, claim to have killed scores of government troops.

Ndop district residents in Cameroon’s restive northwest region say seven bodies were found in bushes on Tuesday morning, following heavy fighting between separatist rebels and government troops.

Ndop businessman Anyam Edison Penn said the clashes halted trade in Ngoketunjia, where Ndop is located. He spoke to Voice of America (VOA) from Ndop via a messaging app.

The News:
https://www.namibian … les-with-separatists



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