Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Burma-Myanmar: Arakan Army says 10 government soldiers killed in renewed clashes


The Arakan Army (AA) has ramped up its clashes against government forces in western Burma and the Bangladesh border region since the start of November, killing 10 Burma Army soldiers and wounding dozens more, the AA claimed in a statement on Monday night.

Throughout November and December, the AA had only one of its own soldiers killed and one injured, the AA statement read. However, despite the rising number of clashes between the Burma Army and AA, neither side issued any prior statements on the military skirmishes over the past two months.

On Monday, AA soldiers of Infantry Unit 314, Brigade 3 clashed three times with a government army battalion in Paletwa Township, Chin State, the AA reported. The AA said it suffered no casualties in the fighting.

Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win, a Burma Army spokesman, spoke to the Irrawaddy by phone from Naypyidaw on Tuesday but declined to answer questions about military operations in Arakan State.

The News:
http://www.irrawaddy … renewed-clashes.html



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