Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Burma-Myanmar: Army clashed with Shan State Army-South (SSA-S) in Shan State


The Burma Army clashed with the Shan State Army-South (SSA-S) over two days in central Shan State, after the Burma Army attacked a drug rehabilitation camp set up by the SSA-S in the Warn Lee area of Mong Kung Township on Saturday, according to SSA-S spokesman Lt-Col Sai Mein.

The Shan State Army-South, whose political wing is known as the Restoration Council of Shan State, was among eight ethnic armed groups that signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA) with the previous government in October last year. Since then, its relations with the Burma Army have been relatively positive.

“Without warning, the Burma Army attacked a drug rehabilitation camp in an area of our control and released criminals from the prison there. We did not deploy troops at the camp; it is managed by local villagers,” Lt-Col Sai Mein told The Irrawaddy.

On Saturday evening, they launched attacks on a hill where SSA-S troops were deployed, and clashes continued the following day, he said.

On Monday, SSA-S headquarters ordered their troops to retreat, with Burma Army troops withdrawing at the same time, he said

The SSA-S claimed no injuries or casualties on their side, and could not comment on losses on the Burma Army side, but claimed to have seized six rucksacks and several landmines, grenades and bullets from the Burma Army.

The News:
http://www.irrawaddy … p-in-shan-state.html



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