Monday, May 9, 2016

Somalia: Al-Shabaab claims credit for car bomb attack in Mogadishu


Al-Shabaab has claimed full responsibility for a deadly suicide car bomb attack on the headquarters of Somalia’s traffic police in the capital, Mogadishu on Monday morning.

A bomber drove his car packed with explosives at the gates of the police compound in Shangani district, and then followed a heavy exchange of gunfire between attackers and the security guards.

At least five people, including three police officers have been killed in the car blast, while ten others mostly civilians were wounded, according to eyewitnesses who spoke to Radio Shabelle by phone.

Mogadishu mayor’s spokesman Abdifitaha Omar Halane who spoke to reporters at the scene said police forces have shot dead two attackers as they were trying to enter Visha Trafico police premises in Mogadishu.

The News:
http://www.shabellen … attack-in-mogadishu/



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