Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Burma-Myanmar: Battles rage in southern Kachin State


Burmese army’s 63rd Light Infantry Battalion troops on Friday attacked KIA 18th Battalion’s Nbu Kawng post at around 9 am, reported a KIA frontline source. Nbu Kawng post is located between Nam San Yang and Ban Dawng, just a few miles from KIA headquarters Laiza.

KIA source said Burmese army’s artillery unit pounded the KIA post with heavy artillery for about an hour. A KIA officer said, “According to information we received in the past days, Burmese army has a plan to attack and clear all KIA posts located on western side of Myitkyina-Bhamo road”. More troops have arrived in Namsan Yang, Gangdau Yang, Galang Ja Pa, and Seng Mai Pa since April 7.

Local gold prospectors said they were forced to move from Namsan Yang area by Burmese army troops warning battles are imminent.

Similarly, a combined force of Burmese army troops from 40th LIB, 63rd LIB, 382nd LIR, and 383rd LIR launched an attack on a KIA post at Bandawng Yang Sut Shang on April 7.

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