Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Turkey: 28 people killed and 61 hurt after terror attack in central district in Ankara


Ankara governor says the huge explosion is believed to have been a car bomb as witnesses shared images of the scene on social media.

At least 28 people were killed when a car bomb hit a military convoy in Ankara on Wednesday, in an attack blamed by Turkish security sources on Kurdish militants.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan convened an emergency security meeting in the wake of the blast, which is likely to inflame tensions over Turkey’s growing involvement in the war in Syria.

Turkey has been shelling positions inside Syria near their shared border, held by the PKK’s local affiliate the YPG, which has been backed by Russia against anti-Assad rebels and by the US against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

The News:
http://www.telegraph … Turkish-capital.html



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