Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Iraq: Iraqi forces repel Islamic State attack in Anbar Province


Anbar Province has been the focus of efforts to slow the advance of Islamic State in Iraq.

Iraqi forces have said that they repelled an Islamic State attack on the town of Husaybah in the Anbar Province. A number of Islamic State militants were killed in the attack, a soldier said.

Iraqi forces took Husaybah, near the militant-held provincial capital of Ramadi, from Islamic State in May. Anbar Province has been the focus of efforts to slow the advance of Islamic State in Iraq. Near the city of Haditha, also in the Sunni heartland Anbar Province, three roadside bombs hit an Iraqi army patrol on Monday, reportedly killing at least six soldiers.

The News:
http://uatoday.tv/po … province-444144.html



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