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Monday, 8 September, 2014

Burma-Myanmar: Clashes between Burma army and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) forces largely reduced, says KIO


Thanks in part to a committee formed between the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and the government that is tasked with reducing tensions in northern Burma, armed clashes between KIO forces and the military have been reduced significantly, said Lahpai Gun Ja, a member of the KIO’s technical team.

“In August there was almost no fighting between the government and the KIO, it was reduced by 95%”, said Lahpai Gun Ja who is based at the KIO’s technical assistance team office in the Kachin state capital Myitkyina.

The committee was formed on May 28th following a meeting between a KIO team led by Zau Tawng and a 5 member team of government representatives led by Kachin state’s Border Affairs minister Than Aung. The creation of the committee stemmed from an agreement made last year between the KIO and the Union Peace-Making Working Committee (UPWC). The committee meets once a month, mostly recently on September 5th where they met at the technical team office in Myitkyina from 3 to 5pm. This was the 6th time the committee has met.

The News:
http://www.kachinnew … d,-says-kio-rep.html