Separatisti filo-russi hanno abbattuto un grande aereo militare da trasporto nell’Ucraina orientale, uccidendo 49 persone a bordo con un duro colpo per gli sforzi del governo di sedare la rivolta.
Il ministero della difesa ha detto che l’aereo è stato abbattuto in fase di atterraggio all’aereoporto di Lugansk. I
Pro-Russian separatists have shot down a large military transport plane in eastern Ukraine, reportedly killing 49 people on board in a major blow for the government’s efforts to quell the insurgency.
The defence ministry said the plane was shot down as it approached an airport at Luhansk. The Il-76 transport plane had been carrying service personnel, equipment and food. The military spokesman Vladislav Seleznyov told the Reuters news agency that 49 people had died.
The toll would be the biggest suffered by government forces in a single incident since Kiev began a military operation to try to defeat the insurgency in eastern Ukraine.