KIA’s 9th Battalion troops on Tuesday fought against Burmese army’s 145th Light Infantry Regiment (LIR) troops at Mung Li Man Hkun in Kutkai Township at about 1 pm, said a KIA source.
On the same day, KIA’s 36th Battalion troops engage in a heavy battle against Burmese army’s 568th LIR troops at Bang Ya Yung village in northern Shan State at about 12:30 pm. No casualties have been reported on either side during the battle that lasted for an hour.
A combined force of Burmese army troops under 123rd LIB and another unknown Battalion attacked a KIA frontline post under 38th Battalion near Pang Hkawn village in northern Shan State on Tuesday at 1:00 pm. KIA sources say their troops had to withdraw from the frontline post because of heavy bombardment by government troops.
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