Sunday, December 1, 2013

Puntland: Heavy fights in Sool region between Puntland armed forces and Khaatumo State forces killed more than 10 people


More than 10 people were killed and at least 20 others wounded after heavy fight erupted in Taleh district of Sool region, the base of the newly declared state of Khatumo, RBC Radio reports.

The battle broke out on Thursday after Puntland Vice President Abdisamad Ali Shire reached the town with heavy armored vehicle that led to heavy gun fire with Khatumo forces based in Taleh.

Dozens of families were forces to flee from the town.

The situation has been calm since Friday despite tensions between the warring sides was high on time.

The News:
http://www.raxanreeb … -kills-more-than-10/



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