Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nigeria: Boko Haram extremists kill at least 24 people in Borno state


Members of the militant group Boko Haram have killed at least 24 people in two separate attacks in Nigeria’s Borno state, according to officials.

The two attacks were carried out on Sunday and Monday earlier this week, and are thought to have targeted military-supported vigilantes in the area. It is believed that at least 14 people were killed during Sunday’s attack on a vigilante meeting in the village of Bama, with a further attack on Monday in the village of Damasak, which lies on the border with Niger.

The west African country has witnessed a wave of violent attacks by members of Boko Haram in recent weeks. On August 10, 44 worshippers were shot dead at a mosque in Konduga. The following day, members of the Islamist militant group killed 12 people in a nearby village. The upsurge in violence over the past few years has led the country’s president, Goodluck Jonathan, to declare a state of emergency in three states.

The News:
http://theworldoutli … 4-northeast-nigeria/



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