Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Somaliland: Captured 67 militiamen in the recent fighting of Buhodle are transferred to Burco prison

Somaliland army has transferred 67 militia men that were captured in the recent attempted suprise attack that Khaatumo militia launched against Somaliland forces but however were vanquished by Somaliland forces.

The captured militia accompanied by their commander are currently being held at Burco City Prison as they wait to be relocated to Mandheer Prison outside of Berbera.

Deputy Commander Col Jama Deeq of the Somaliland Custodial Corps in Burao City and Chief prosecutor of the armed forces courts Col Mohamed Ahmed Hassan (ilka case) supervised the transfer of prisoners to Burco city Prison officials.

The News:
http://somalilandpre … co-prison-27056[url]



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