Saturday, December 24, 2011

Pakistan: Suicide attack by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) caused 5 killed, 18 injured in Bannu

A security official told The Express Tribune that at around 5am, a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a security installation. “The target of the attack was the Tochi Scouts,” he said while confirming five deaths and 18 injuries.

However, local sources estimated that around seven dead bodies were recovered from the debris.

The Tochi Scouts are paramilitary troops of the Frontier Corps (FC) deployed mainly in North Waziristan.

A police spokesperson from Bannu told The Express Tribune that the building targeted was used by security personnel as a resting point. Speaking about the attack, he said that the building was totally destroyed while the nearby shops were also damaged.

The News: … ops-in-bannu-police/



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