Thursday, December 8, 2011

Somalia: Fights in Mogadishu between government soldiers backed by African Union forces and al-Shabaab fighters

Heavy battle between Somalia’s interim federal government backing by African Union peace keeping troops and Al-shabaab militants flared up parts of capital Mogadishu, residents and reports said on Thursday.

The fighting erupted early hours on Thursday in Mogadishu’s Karan and Hilwa districts and neighboring outskirts between Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces aiding by AMISOM soldiers and al-Shabaab in the area, causing unidentified damages and casualties, since the combat is still going on.

Residents said that many al-Shabaab fighters have launched an offensive against on bases of Somalia government soldiers and AMISOM in Karan and Hilwa towns,but the goverment forces and African union troops resisted and took counter attack to the militants later.

The News:
http://www.shabelle. … article.php?id=13269



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