Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yemen: Clashes in southern Yemen between government forces and al-Qaeda islamist militants, 14 killed


Fierce clashes overnight between government forces and Islamist militants in southern Yemen killed 14 people, including 12 militants, Yemeni officials said Wednesday.

Loud explosions and exchanges of gunfire were also heard late Wednesday in Sana, the capital, in the neighborhood where the leader of the main tribe opposing Yemen’s president lives. Blasts and gunfire could also be heard early Thursday, Reuters reported, and it said that Al Arabiya television had reported two deaths.

Three explosions were also reported near police stations and an intelligence agency office in Aden, a city in southern Yemen.

A military official said that negotiations in the south with the Islamist fighters to end the bloodshed there were deadlocked.

The News:
http://www.nytimes.c … ?_r=1&ref=middleeast



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