Friday, August 12, 2011

Somaliland: Somaliland warns Puntland it will firmly retaliate to any further provocation


Somaliland’s minister of Defence, Ahmad Haji Ali Adami, today released a statement saying that the Somaliland Armed Forces will not and cannot accept the encroachment of sovereignty and criminal behaviour of the Puntland backed militia that yesterday kidnapped and killed members of a Somaliland delegation headed by Salaban Yusuf Ali Koore parliament member, on route to the Somaliland province of Sool.

He was quoted as saying, “We are waiting for the response from the administration of Puntland, based in Gerowe, on how they will respond to the killing and kidnapping of our government officials that were headed to their home villages of Taleeh on government work”.

The Minister also stated that recently the state administration of Puntland has either directly or indirectly been involved in the deterioration of relations with Somaliland. He also made reference to the recently released tanker carrying fuel to Somaliland that was hijacked by pirates and held for ransom in Puntland waters.

The News:
http://somalilandpre … er-provocation-23275



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