Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Libya: Fierce fighting across Libya, insurgents have retake Zawiya

A Libyan insurgent said rebels had retaken the heart of the closest city to the capital from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on Wednesday evening in some of the fiercest fighting in almost three weeks of clashes.

Zawiya appeared to change hands twice during the day as Gaddafi tried to crush the uprising against him by bombarding the western town and the frontlines of the rebel-held east of the country.

“Thanks to Allah we are sitting in the square now,” the fighter, who gave his name as Ibrahim, said by telephone after earlier reporting his forces had pulled back from the square.

“This is a death or life battle for us, we have nothing to do now but to fight him,” he said.

The News: … dUKLDE71Q0MP20110309



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