Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Yemen: Officer and 3 troops killed by Houthi shelling in Taiz province


Four Yemeni security personnel, including a senior army officer, were killed Wednesday when Shia Houthi militants shelled army positions in the southwestern Taiz province.

The shelling targeted an army outpost in Taiz’s Mawzi district, Abdullah al-Shaabi, a spokesman for forces loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, told Anadolu Agency.

According to al-Shaabi, Colonel Yaslam Saeed al-Yafei, a commander in the Yemeni army’s First Brigade, was killed in the artillery barrage, along with three soldiers.

Taiz’s Mawzi district continues to witness sporadic clashes between the Houthis and allied forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh on the one hand, and the Yemeni army, backed by a Saudi-led Arab coalition, on the other.

The News: … g-in-sw-yemen/909336



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