Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Syria: Kurdish-Arab alliance of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) expels ISIS from main gas facilities in Hasakah


Kurdish-Arab alliance of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) seized control of a key gas facility and main financial resource for the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) radical group in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah, military sources confirmed on Monday.

The SDF regained control of the Jibisa gas facility, located about 12km east of Shaddadi city in southern Hasakah.

The facility had been used by ISIS for nearly two years as a source to fund its operations.

Informed sources said that ISIS used to produce 5,000 gas cylinders a day in Jibisa to be sold at the black-market.

A spokesman for the Syrian Democratic Forces said: “We have controlled the entire gas facility in Jibisa after expelling ISIS militants from the area.”

The News:
http://en.abna24.com … 23/736478/story.html



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