Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yemen: Houthi rebels take key air base while president flees from Aden


Rebel forces on Wednesday captured parts of the port city of Aden and a nearby Yemeni air base recently evacuated by U.S. forces, officials in the country said, with one rebel spokesman claiming that Yemen’s president fled Aden as his opponents advanced.

The rebels late Wednesday morning captured al-Anad air base, an installation that the last Yemen-based contingent of U.S. special operations forces evacuated over the weekend because of the deteriorating security situation in the country, said Mohammed AbdulSalam, a spokesman for the Houthi rebels.

The rebel forces — Houthis and some allies in the Yemeni military — then advanced on Aden, the nearby port city where President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi had taken refuge for weeks.

The News:
http://edition.cnn.c … leeast/yemen-unrest/



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