Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Peru: A Shining Path guerrilla commander killed in a firefight with the army and police

A Shining Path guerrilla commander was killed in a firefight with the army and police in the jungles of Peru’s Valley of the Apurimac and Ene rivers, or VRAE, region, President Ollanta Humala said Wednesday.

“We have been able to confirm the death of the so-called Comrade Williams, the number four in the party organization of (Shining) Path in the VRAE, he was the number two military commander,” Humala told Radio Programas del Peru, or RPP.

The rebel commander died in a clash with the security forces around 8:45 a.m. Wednesday in Llochegua, an area in Huanta province, which is in the southern region of Ayacucho, the president said.

The News:
http://latino.foxnew … nder-killed-in-peru/



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