Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Israel: Blogger Richard Silverstein publishes Israel’s Iran ‘Attack Plan’

A prominent left-wing blogger has published what is claimed to be an outline of Israel’s attack plan against Iran. Richard Silverstein, on his blog Tikun Olam, has posted a report that is based, according to Silverstein, on a briefing document prepared by the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Silverstein’s blog is known for breaking news banned for publication in Israel due to military censorship.

According to the post, Israel has set out a four-step plan for its attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, if and when the cabinet gives military commanders the green light.

First, Israel will carry out an “unprecedented cyber-attack which will totally paralyze the Iranian regime and its ability to know what is happening within its borders,” according to the claimed outline of the attack plan, which Silverstein states came from “an IDF officer.”

The News: … ls-iran-attack-plan/



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