Sunday, July 15, 2012

Syria: Heavy clashes between rebels and regular troops have erupted in Damascus yet


Heavy clashes between rebels and regular troops have erupted in Damascus in the “most intense” fighting in the
capital since the start of the anti-regime revolt in Syria 16 months ago, a monitoring group has said.

“The regular army fired mortar rounds into several suburbs” where fighters of the Free Syrian Army are entrenched, said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Sunday.

“They have never been this intense,” Abdel Rahman told the AFP news agency.

He said the fighting was heaviest in the Tadamon, Kfar Sousa, Nahr Aisha and Sidi Qadad neighbourhoods.

The News:
http://www.aljazeera … 715182544651595.html



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