Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yemen: Stability backs to Rada’a after hundreds of al-Qaeda militants left the town

Stability is back to Rada’a, a 150 kilometers city south east of Sana’a, after al-Qaeda militants left the city which they captured last week, locals told Yemen Post. They said that life returned to its nature, markets, institutions and services centers were reopened, emphasizing that teachers, students and workers resume practicing their normal life.

“Radaa was stabilized and secured as a result of efforts exerted by tribal leaders and dignitaries” said Mohammad Saad, a resident of Rada’a.

The fighters left the town in exchange for the release of their fellow relatives, after forming a committee of 35 dignitaries from seven different Yemeni cities.

Militants led by Tariq Al-Dhahab, a relative of Anwar Al-Walaki, a Yemeni-American cleric who was killed in a American drone strike last fall, had took over the town and positioned inside the archeological castle of Alamiria and its mosque.

The News:
http://www.yemenpost … SubID=4596&MainCat=3



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