Monday, April 11, 2016

Syria: ISIS recaptures key town of al-Rai on border between Syria and Turkey


The Islamic State (ISIS) managed to recapture the town of al-Rai on the Syrian border with Turkey on Monday morning.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor reported that the town fell to ISIS after violent clashes with rebels.

A coalition of rebels and militants, including the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, had managed to force ISIS from the town just last Thursday.

“The fact that the rebels could not hold on to al-Rai shows that it is impossible to maintain an advance against ISIS without adequate air cover,” the Observatory’s director, Rami Abdul Rahman, told AFP.

Al-Rai is important to the militants because it is located on the road to ISIS-controlled parts of Syria’s Aleppo province.

The News: … eeast/syria/11042016



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