Monday, May 7, 2012

Yemen: Al-Qaeda kills 32 Yemeni troops after leader eliminated in air raid


Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen killed at least 32 soldiers in attacks on two army posts in southern Yemen on Monday, a day after a wanted top militant died in an air raid, a military official said.

Jihadists attacked the military posts outside the city of Zinjibar, which they have controlled since May last year, said the official.

The military official told Reuters gunmen attacked Yemeni troops outside the city of Zinjibar, capital of Abyan province, killing at least 32 servicemen. He said they captured a number of soldiers and made off with weapons and ammunition.

At least 40 soldiers were wounded in the attack, the official and medical sources said.

The News:
http://english.alara … 12/05/07/212601.html



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